Northwick Express. A scene on a Twickenham MRC 00 Layout

About Twickenham & District MRC

TDMRC car bumber badge from the 1960's
A Club enamel and chrome car bumper badge from the 1960’s

Brief History:

Twickenham & District MRC at Bremen
The Club operating team with two 5m layouts (Tidmeric Minerals 0-14 and Rivendell 0-16.5 at Bremen, Germany (2004) – a five day trip

Club Location:


Layout building and operation is our main activity. Over the decades we have had a vibrant membership who have created several award winning layouts. Most of these have represented aspects of British railways of standard and narrow gauge types.
If you interests lie elsewhere; Chinese, American, Japanese and European Railways or Trams are all part of our member’s modelling enthusiasm and your models are welcome on any of the layouts witihin the club.
From time to time we arrange club outings and social events whilst a mini-exhibition is usually held in late summer to showcase our activites

Small USA switcher loco built by club member
A handbuilt brass American ‘switcher’ being tested on our 1920’s LNWR ‘Kensington Addison Road’ ‘0’ scale Layout



Annual membership is £76 per annum. Reduced rates for several categories are available and payments may spread througout the year. With one exception, we make no other membership charges. A small fee (£5 max) to cover hall hire costs applies only if attending periodic work days.
Our members have a varied mix of skills and abilities and they are always willing to offer advice and assistance. We admit that we don’t have all the answers, but you may well be able to help us.

No self respecting model railway club is complete without a kitchen for tea, coffee and snacks to lubricate the chat – ours is no exception!
For more information check out the contacts page and get in touch, we would love to hear from you.