Thank you for your interest in our club.
Listed below are our current Contact Details. We welcome all enquiries and will respond as quickly as possible. As all of our members are volunteers email correspondence is preferrable.

Find us on Facebook:
Apart from this website we also have a frequently updated Facebook Page. Find us here:
Twickenham MRC

123B-125 Wills Crescent,
Hounslow, TW3 2JF
(Club evenings only)


01932 783253

Access to all of the Club activities and facilities.
We encourage participation in personal areas of interest and provide potential opportunities to aquire new skills.
We periodically organise visits and social events

Yes. We usually hold a mini-exhibition in the form of a Club Open Day each year to show a selection of club and members layouts. Additionally, our layouts are frequently invited to exhibitions held throughout the UK

Routine club nights are held at Kerswell Hall on Friday evenings.

Work, or operating sessions on a Saturday take place from 9.30 am – 4pm. These take place approximately once per month, but are dependent on demand and availability of the room.
Saturday ‘work days’ are organised on a pay-per-visit basis (£5 max). This is the only additional membership subscription charge.
The annual membership subscription is £76 with reduced rates for students or those unable to attend regularly.

Model Railway Clubs should be fun!
7mm scale 14mm gauge railcar
(from a past Narrow Gauge Layout)