All Club Layouts

About our Layout Projects

Our current projects are listed here and have resulted from ideas and the enthusiasm of the team who planned and built them. They are sponsored by the Club following a review taking account of cost, storage space and number of members involved.
Over the Club’s existence this approach has resulted in numerous great layouts of many different types and styles being constructed.

The recent retirement of some older layouts has resulted in space for exciting new projects.

Become a Groupie!

Members involved in a layout project form the ‘Group’ and appoint a Leader to manage it. This role can change periodically and you are encouraged to be active in more than one layout group, providing a spread of skills throughout the club

Kensington Addison Rd. starion,1925. 0 scale layout of Twickenham MRC
Kensington Addison Road.
(0) Exhibition Layout.
1920’s West London
Cl37 at Eastgate layout of T&DMRC
(00) Small mo
Eastgate3dern image layout
Northwick 00 Layout. 'Northwick Hall' on TT
(00) Exhibition Layout.
BR Early 60s West of England
Siege St. 'N' tramway. Trad. British Trams
Siege Streeet (N) Traditional British Trams
With industrial town location.
Starter layout trackplan kerswell LAne 00
Kerswell Lane. (Under construction)
(00) Modelling skills improvement
and junior layout.
W. Brompton. (Under construction)
‘0’. Alternative to Addison Rd. for
Club use and ‘photo plank’
G scale River St Gas Works whimsy G scale
River Street Gas Works
(G) A touch of whimsy.
Drayton Green track layout
Drayton Green (N)

Drayton Green is a new N scale layout presently at the planning stages.
Located off the GWR mainline in W. London the layout will have a continuous run with significant operating potential.