Kerswell Lane (00)

Scale: ’00’(1:73) Gauge: 16.5mm
Period: –
Setting: –
Approx Layout size: 2.20m x 1.5m
Kerswell Lane is a new layout for young enthusiasts to enjoy. Additionally, this layout will provide a superb training platform for less experienced club members.
Key requirements are to maximise the operating potential with a variety of trains.

Precision carpentry. The two halves of the baseboards are hinged for portability as we intend to use the layout at local fetes and fairs, so getting the hinges correctly fitted is important!
To avoid hiring vehicles when travelling, the overall size and weight will be minimised. At a practical level, minimising electrical connections between baseboards will assist with reliability and ease of erection.
Test track laying is currently under way, as is laying out the positions of track sensors etc.

Unusually for a club layout, we are using ‘Set Track’ pieces with Peco flextrack. The rigid curve sections help increase the speed and accuracy of laying that is important due to the tight radius.
‘Kerswell Lane’, although resembling a simple ‘table top’ layout, will include a degree of interlocking and a control panel, using MERG kits and simple modular electronic boards produced specifically for the project and assembled by the team.
Our control system for the trains will provide DC control to enable existing rolling stock to be operated. The wiring will be arranged to enable DCC to be used as an alternative.
The layout is designed to be transported in one hatchback car, avoiding the need to hire vehicles when travelling to local events.